Media scheduling system NewsProd

Media planning, coordination, and production system for newsrooms in broadcasting companies.

The program is designed for TV channels, radio stations, and multimedia companies with news departments. It automates routine tasks for editors, producers, and journalists when creating news blocks for broadcasting. It also facilitates communication between different departments and helps to manage technical production equipment.

Program features:

  • Media planning – long-term planning that takes into account the release of commercial materials;

  • Ingest – monitoring the receipt of materials via external lines from transfer devices (backpacks, mobile satellite communication stations, radio relays and landlines), as well as receiving internet transfers via FTP and WebDAV.

  • Coordination – managing personnel, equipment and filming trips.

  • Producing – a single theme development center with a database of editorial contacts.

The system has proven its effectiveness when used in the editorial department of a 24-hour news television channel.

  • Workstation:
    • OS Microsoft Windows 7 or higher;
    • 2 Gb of RAM and higher;
    • 40 Gb min empty space on HDD;
    • Printer (option);
    • Keyboard, mouse;
    • The availability of configured access to the program server;

The system works on operating systems such as Linux and macOS, through emulation environments like Wine. However, there is no guarantee that it will work, and technical support is not available for these platforms.

  • Web service:
    • The latest versions of the browsers, Chrome, Opera and Firefox;
    • The availability of configured access to the program server using the HTTP(s) protocol;

For end users, the software is provided under a non-exclusive license. All license agreements and contracts are prepared individually for each customer.

The NewsProd system is available exclusively through the SaaS (Software as a Service) model. The software operates exclusively on a “client-server” basis, and local installation of the program is not possible.

  • Storing data on an external server in order to meet the requirements for personal data storage;
  • Access to the system can be obtained through a web browser or application;
The product will be available for purchase by end consumers from September 2024.

The NewsProd system is a custom-built product that is branded and tailored to meet the specific needs of each editorial office. It takes approximately two weeks to implement the software.

Demo of NewsProd

Demo versions of the system are not available for distribution. However, it is possible to demonstrate the basic functionality of the system on the customer’s premises without using real data (using dummy data).




Find out the cost of the system, send a request to purchase and implement the system.

The minimum installation fee is $2000 (one-time);
The minimum monthly subscription fee is $450.


The final cost of the installation fee depends on the number of modules required, the number of one-time connections, and other terms in the license agreement.

You can contact us regarding the purchase and licensing of our software by visiting our contact page.